Thursday, October 22, 2009

Communication climate

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Communication climate

Communication climate is the environment in which communication 
either thrives or languishes.
Very often we communicators spend most of our time and energy on

crafting messages and packaging them in the right media. We become
focused on individual communication programs and forget to consider 
the environmental context within which our audiences will be

receiving them.
Unfortunately, all too many things can get in the way of members

of our audience reading or hearing our messages as they were

• The volume of too many competing messages from an overly full

in-box and overcrowded meeting schedule can prevent your new

message from getting the attention it deserves.
• Other messages can conflict with the one you're sending. Often this 
  involves management's actions not matching their words, or

messages being sent to customers or the media that are different

from what employees are being told.
• The medium used to send the message may lack credibility as a

source on the subject matter.
• The timing of the message may either be too late to beat the

grapevine or too early before a context has been established for it.
• People's preconceived biases or world views can prevent them from 
  being receptive to your message.
When you learn how to identify these potential communication

climate filters or barriers, you can better help your organization

reach its employees or outside audiences more effectively.

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